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  • DURABLE MATERIAL: Patio chaise lounge chair set is made of breathable Textilene material, which is for long-lasting use, quick-dry, easy not to fade and easy maintenance. This fabric makes you pretty cool in summer and water-pelement, quick-drying at the poolside. Poolside tanning sun lounger chair is a great choice for the outdoor!
  • STURDY FRAME: Patio outdoor chaise lounge chair set comes with a high-quality full aluminum frame and provides sturdy support with a max weight capacity of 330 lbs. Aluminum frame lounger chair is more durable and not easy to bend or deform. Lightweight outdoor lounger chair is also can be stackable and convenient for you to carry or move.
  • ADJUSTABLE 5-GEARS BACKREST: Poolside reclining deck lounger cha…



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3 Piece Patio Chaise Lounge Chair Outdoor Pool Beach Yard Recliner w/ Side Table
  • DURABLE MATERIAL: Patio chaise lounge chair set is made of breathable Textilene material, which is for long-lasting use, quick-dry, easy not to fade and easy maintenance. This fabric makes you pretty cool in summer and water-pelement, quick-drying at the poolside. Poolside tanning sun lounger chair is a great choice for the outdoor!
  • STURDY FRAME: Patio outdoor chaise lounge chair set comes with a high-quality full aluminum frame and provides sturdy support with a max weight capacity of 330 lbs. Aluminum frame lounger chair is more durable and not easy to bend or deform. Lightweight outdoor lounger chair is also can be stackable and convenient for you to carry or move.
  • ADJUSTABLE 5-GEARS BACKREST: Poolside reclining deck lounger chair ergonomic designed, curved armrest and 5-position adjustable backrest to supply maximum comfort for you. Perfect combination of adjustable pool lounge chair backrest(adjustable angle is 100°-170°), armrest and adjustable pillows, which can meet your sit on reading, lying sun, lying on sleep and various needs.
  • WIDE APPLY: Lounge chair for the outside poolside is very easy to assemble. Patio chaise lounger set suited for multi-scenes, can as a poolside lounge chair, garden lounger, pool chaise lounge chair, outside lounger chair set, yard lounge, beach lounge chair, deck lounge, sunbathing tanning lounger, balcony lounge chair, and so on.
  • PATIO LOUNGE CHAIR SET OF 3: Textilene patio furniture set including 2 lounger chairs, a side table and all hardware and tools. Chaise lounge chair size is 60″ X 23.6″ X 32.2″, side table size is 18″ X 13.8″ X 11″. Side coffee table is convenient for you put in your personal things, such as a drink cup, mobile phone, books and eats, etc.

Multi Scenes






Color: Black

Material: Aluminum, Textilene

Lounge Chair Dimension: 60” x 23.6” x 22.8-32.2”

Side Table Dimension: 18” x 13.8” x 11”

Backrest Adjustable Height: 22.8” – 32.2” (5-Gears)

Product Weights: 27lb

Package Weights: 34lb

Chairs Weight Capacity: 330lb


Package Contents:

  • Patio Chaise Lounge Chair x 2
  • Side Coffee Table x 1
  • Headrest x 2
  • Instruction Manual x 1



1. When you adjust the lounge chair backrest to the lowest position and it is just a curved arc shape that can’t flat your leg.

2. Please pay attention to the distance from the highest point of the lounge chair to the ground. Low lounge chair providing a unique relaxed feeling, please confirm whether it is the height you want!

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Item Specifics
Brand Pirecart
Type Chaise Lounge
Size of Chair 60” x 23.6” x 32.2”(L x W x H)
Caractéristiques Adjustable
Material Aluminum Frame, Textilene Fabric
Color Black
Weight Capacity 330 Lbs
Size of Table 18” x 13.8” x 11”(L x W x H)
Package G.W. 34lbs
Item Length 60 in
Item Width 23.6 in
Item Height 32.2 in


We only accept Payoneer payment.

We will ship out your item within 24-48 business hours after payment received;
We don’t process orders on weekends and holidays.

30 day returns.

Full / Partial Money Back, or Replacement

Contact Us

If you have ANY problems, please feel free to let us know, we’ll get back to you ASAP and do our best to resolve it.

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3 Piece Patio Chaise Lounge Chair Outdoor Pool Beach Yard Recliner w/ Side Table
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  • DURABLE MATERIAL: Patio chaise lounge chair set is made of breathable Textilene material, which is for long-lasting use, quick-dry, easy not to fade and easy maintenance. This fabric makes you pretty cool in summer and water-pelement, quick-drying at the poolside. Poolside tanning sun lounger chair is a great choice for the outdoor!
  • STURDY FRAME: Patio outdoor chaise lounge chair set comes with a high-quality full aluminum frame and provides sturdy support with a max weight capacity of 330 lbs. Aluminum frame lounger chair is more durable and not easy to bend or deform. Lightweight outdoor lounger chair is also can be stackable and convenient for you to carry or move.
  • ADJUSTABLE 5-GEARS BACKREST: Poolside reclining deck lounger chair ergonomic designed, curved armrest and 5-position adjustable backrest to supply maximum comfort for you. Perfect combination of adjustable pool lounge chair backrest(adjustable angle is 100°-170°), armrest and adjustable pillows, which can meet your sit on reading, lying sun, lying on sleep and various needs.
  • WIDE APPLY: Lounge chair for the outside poolside is very easy to assemble. Patio chaise lounger set suited for multi-scenes, can as a poolside lounge chair, garden lounger, pool chaise lounge chair, outside lounger chair set, yard lounge, beach lounge chair, deck lounge, sunbathing tanning lounger, balcony lounge chair, and so on.
  • PATIO LOUNGE CHAIR SET OF 3: Textilene patio furniture set including 2 lounger chairs, a side table and all hardware and tools. Chaise lounge chair size is 60″ X 23.6″ X 32.2″, side table size is 18″ X 13.8″ X 11″. Side coffee table is convenient for you put in your personal things, such as a drink cup, mobile phone, books and eats, etc.

Multi Scenes






Color: Black

Material: Aluminum, Textilene

Lounge Chair Dimension: 60” x 23.6” x 22.8-32.2”

Side Table Dimension: 18” x 13.8” x 11”

Backrest Adjustable Height: 22.8” – 32.2” (5-Gears)

Product Weights: 27lb

Package Weights: 34lb

Chairs Weight Capacity: 330lb


Package Contents:

  • Patio Chaise Lounge Chair x 2
  • Side Coffee Table x 1
  • Headrest x 2
  • Instruction Manual x 1



1. When you adjust the lounge chair backrest to the lowest position and it is just a curved arc shape that can’t flat your leg.

2. Please pay attention to the distance from the highest point of the lounge chair to the ground. Low lounge chair providing a unique relaxed feeling, please confirm whether it is the height you want!

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We only accept Payoneer payment.

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We don’t process orders on weekends and holidays.

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If you have ANY problems, please feel free to let us know, we’ll get back to you ASAP and do our best to resolve it.

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