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Toyama is the capital city of Toyama Prefecture, Japan, located on the coast of the Sea of Japan in the Chūbu region on central Honshū, about 200 km


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  • Rechargeable EMS Muscle Trainer Abdominal Training Device Arms & Hips Muscle Stimulator Fitness
  • Feature: 1.EMS Technology: EMS(Electrical Muscle Stimulation) through current stimulation directly sends signal to muscles and promotes muscle movement. ALL you have to do is to fit the abdominal toner to your body and let it exercise your muscles.
  • 2.6 Modes & 10 Intensity Levels: This abdominal trainer offers 6 exercise modes to choose from and adopts 10 intensity levels.
  • 3.Rechargeable Battery: This Muscle Stimulator is rechargeable. No AAA Batteries Required. You can charge it by a wall charger, power bank, laptop, etc.
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    EMS Abdominal ABS Fit Muscle Stimulater Training Gear Fitness Workout Belt Black

    Rechargeable EMS Muscle Trainer Abdominal Training Device Arms & Hips Muscle Stimulator Fitness


    1.EMS Technology: EMS(Electrical Muscle Stimulation) through current stimulation directly sends signal to muscles and promotes muscle movement. ALL you have to do is to fit the abdominal toner to your body and let it exercise your muscles.

    2.6 Modes & 10 Intensity Levels: This abdominal trainer offers 6 exercise modes to choose from and adopts 10 intensity levels.

    3.Rechargeable Battery: This Muscle Stimulator is rechargeable. No AAA Batteries Required. You can charge it by a wall charger, power bank, laptop, etc.

    4.Body Slimming: This Muscle Trainer is suitable to train abdomen, arm, leg, back and hips. It will tighten and strengthen your muscles, giving you a better body figure after strategic use for 2 months.

    5.Use It Anywhere: You can use the muscle trainer when you’re at home, office or gym. The fitness pads are light and portable.


    Type: Muscle Stimulator
    Power Supply: built-in rechargeable lithium battery
    Material: Polyurethane, Silicone
    Fit for: Unisex
    Work Mode: 6 modes  
    Intensity Levels: 10 levels

    How to Clean Pads: 
    Wash the pads by clean water, it will be sticky again when they dry out. If not in use for a long time(more than 1 month), please separate battery from machine and store it on other place. 


    Packing List:
    1 * Abdominal Muscle Stimulator
    2 * Arm Stimulator 
    1 * Hip Stimulator
    4 * Controller
    1 * USB Charging Cable
    1 * User Manual

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    Item Specifics
    Brand : Unbranded
    Type : Intelligent Body Building Patch
    Muscle Group : Abdominal
    Features : Exercise muscular
    Sport/Activity : Gym & Training
    Material : Polyurethane, Silicone
    Usage : Home Use
    Color : Black
    Indoor/Outdoor : Both

    Payment FAQ
    • We Accept Paypal Only.
    Shipping FAQ
    • We will ship to your eBay address. Please make sure your eBay address is correct before you pay.
    • We will ship out your order within 2 business days after receiving your verified payment (Excluding Weekends and Public Holidays)! 
    • Item located in the USA, We will ship out your order via USPS or UPS. It will take 3-8 business days to you. If you can’t track your parcel or didn’t receive your parcel, please kindly contact with us.
    Returns FAQ
    • We offers 30-day refund, and 1 year manufactured warranty on all products, Warranty period starts from the date of purchase.We are not responsible for any kind of compatible issues, or problems related to any specific software or games. Please check our description carefully before purshing. If there is not anything wrong with our product or description, we wont bear the return shipping.
    • In order to return an item you must contact us to request a Return Merchandise Authorization Number (RMA)
    Contact Us
    • We try to make sure you have a pleasant shopping experience with us, so that we could do more business with you. If there is any dissatisfaction, please email us. We will try our best to resolve the issues. Please give us the opportunity to resolve any problem. PS. you may contact us by ‘Ask a question’

    1. Feedback will be left automatically after we receive your feedback.
    2. Please contact us before leaving a  neutral or negative feedback. We would try our best to help you solve the problem. Please allow us to reply your email within 24 hours. 3.We will provide the service as best as we can, cause the  feedback and  is what we are striving for. Please email me through “My Messages” or “Contact seller” if you have any question about our listings or your purchasing.

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    Rechargeable EMS Muscle Trainer Abdominal Training Device Arms & Hips Muscle Stimulator Fitness


    1.EMS Technology: EMS(Electrical Muscle Stimulation) through current stimulation directly sends signal to muscles and promotes muscle movement. ALL you have to do is to fit the abdominal toner to your body and let it exercise your muscles.

    2.6 Modes & 10 Intensity Levels: This abdominal trainer offers 6 exercise modes to choose from and adopts 10 intensity levels.

    3.Rechargeable Battery: This Muscle Stimulator is rechargeable. No AAA Batteries Required. You can charge it by a wall charger, power bank, laptop, etc.

    4.Body Slimming: This Muscle Trainer is suitable to train abdomen, arm, leg, back and hips. It will tighten and strengthen your muscles, giving you a better body figure after strategic use for 2 months.

    5.Use It Anywhere: You can use the muscle trainer when you’re at home, office or gym. The fitness pads are light and portable.


    Type: Muscle Stimulator
    Power Supply: built-in rechargeable lithium battery
    Material: Polyurethane, Silicone
    Fit for: Unisex
    Work Mode: 6 modes  
    Intensity Levels: 10 levels

    How to Clean Pads: 
    Wash the pads by clean water, it will be sticky again when they dry out. If not in use for a long time(more than 1 month), please separate battery from machine and store it on other place. 


    Packing List:
    1 * Abdominal Muscle Stimulator
    2 * Arm Stimulator 
    1 * Hip Stimulator
    4 * Controller
    1 * USB Charging Cable
    1 * User Manual

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    Item Specifics
    Brand : Unbranded
    Type : Intelligent Body Building Patch
    Muscle Group : Abdominal
    Features : Exercise muscular
    Sport/Activity : Gym & Training
    Material : Polyurethane, Silicone
    Usage : Home Use
    Color : Black
    Indoor/Outdoor : Both

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