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Outdoor Patio Chair Adjustable Lounge Chair Recliner Single Sofa Chair w/Custion


SKU: 0DE14587

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  •     Reclining lounge smooth gide which provides fantastic comfort for you body

        Color: Blue/ Green/ Beige

        Materials: Heavy duty metal steel

        Feature: E-coating rust resistant and weather resistant

        Padded with 5″ remoable Olifen Fabric Cushion

        Fit any outdoor setting, ideal for your porch, poolside, deck, garden or wherever you need it


  •  ❤ E-Coating Frame: The chair frame is made of e-coating metal steel tubes which can reduce the erosion by rain, rust resistant and weather resistant, brings you years of enjoyment

    Ergonomic Design: Easy to operate without any levers or buttons,just gently push back and it can smoothly glide into an ergonomic zero-gravity position according to your body’s weight to make it recline

    Olefin Fabric Cushion: Padded with 4″ removable cushion, which is made with premium olefin fabric, easy to clean and maintain

    Fits for: This beautiful recliner chair is a simple and stable addition to any outdoor setting, ideal for your porch, poolside, deck, garden or wherever you need it

    Support up to 300 lbs, We try to pack patio furniture as good as we can. If there is any part missing or damaged during shipping, please contact us

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