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Grille Grill for Mazda 3 Sport 2017-2018


SKU: 55013FD0

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Toyama is the capital city of Toyama Prefecture, Japan, located on the coast of the Sea of Japan in the Chūbu region on central Honshū, about 200 km


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Grille Grill for Mazda 3 Sport 2017-2018


Terms of Use | Warranty Coverage Policy

Replacement Grille AssemblyRM07410001

Use existing emblem for this item.


Has the front end of your vehicle become an eyesore after a collision? If you’re searching for a factory look at a great value, choose a Replacement grille assembly for your next repair job. Replacement grille assemblies come in a variety of premium finishes and offer easy installation with their perfect fit – all at a price that’s far less than original equipment.

Features & Benefits:

Easy to Install

  • Designed as a direct replacement for your original grille assembly.
  • Includes emblem provision, headlight holes, etc., where applicable.
  • Made to factory specifications for a hassle-free installation, guaranteed.

Premium Look, Enduring Protection

  • Offered in variety of high-quality finishes, including sleek chrome, textured black, painted, or primed/paint-to-match (depending on application).
  • Ready to restore style and protection to your vehicle’s front end.

State-of-the-Art Manufacturing Process

  • Each Replacement brand grille assembly is manufactured using the same processes as the original, ensuring excellent fitment and a quality finish.
  • Lean manufacturing process keeps costs down and quality high.

One-Year Unlimited Mileage Warranty

  • Every Replacement grille assembly comes with a one-year unlimited mileage warranty for peace of mind.


Mexico Built Vehicle

Brand New in the Box –
Fit and Quality Guaranteed!

Material Plastic Type Grille Cover
Anticipated Ship Out Time Same day – 1 business day Quantity Sold Sold individually
Replaces OE Number BANE50033A51 Color/Finish Black
Recommended Use OE Replacement Replaces Partslink Number MA1201102
Interchange Part Number BANE50033A51, MA1201102 Prop 65 Warning WARNING: This product can expose you to chemical which is known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information go to www.P65Warnings.ca.gov.
Returns Policy 60-Day Return Policy

Compatible with the following vehicles:


  • 2018 3 SE
  • 2017-2018 3 (submodel: G, Grand Touring, GS, GT, GX, Sport, Touring)
  • 2017-2018 3 Sport (submodel: GS, GT, GX)

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